UPSC is India’s central organisation which conducts checks like Civil Services Exam (CSE) to recruit candidates into pinnacle authorities offerings like IAS, IPS, IFS, etc. UPSC recruits candidates to each civil offering as properly as defence offerings
Phases of UPSC
UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) comprises three phases. These Phrases are:
- Preliminary Exam (objective)
- Main Exam (written)
- Interview (personality test)
The examination window extends around 10-12 months (usually from June month of12 months to June month subsequent year when the outcomes are announced).
Union public service commission is a national-level exam that is conducted by the central state and Government of India. Eligibility criteria for IAS/IPS exam are completely below in an article. Before applying for the Exam, you first need to understand and thoroughly check the criteria like Age limit, qualification, and nationality.
Time management is important while preparing for the Online UPSC Exam. If a candidate wants to pass the UPSC exam He/Her gives their full attention and productive time to it. Now the question is arising there how candidates pass the exams by maximum utilisation of time.
Civil Engineering Main Syllabus
For UPSC for civil engineering students have to appear in two papers
- Paper 1
- Paper 2
- Paper 1
Part A
Strength Of Materials
- Elastic constraints, shear force, bending moment, theory of simple blending axially loaded compression members, and simple strain and stress. Beams of uniform strength, sections across shear stress pf distribution. Bending and shear in direct access of strain energy.
- Deflection of beams: Mohr’s Moment area method, unit, and load method, the transmission of power, Elastic stability of columns, Macaulay’s method, conjugate beam method. And Elastic stability of columns, Euler’s Rankine’s, secant formulae and torsion of shafts, close coiled helical springs.
- Mohr’s circle strains and principal stresses in two dimensions, thin and thick cylinder external pressure due to stresses, theory of elastic failure, and Lame’s equations.
Engineering Mechanics
- SI units, the concept of force, rigid body, vectors, units of dimensions, a moment of force, free body diagram, conditions of equilibrium, equivalent force system, concurrent and non-concurrent, mass moment of inertia, first and second moment of inertia, free body diagram, the principle of virtual work and parallel forces in a plane.
- Static friction: bearings and inclined plane. Kinetics and kinematics, kinematics in polar coordinates and Cartesian. Uniform and non-uniform motion under acceleration, under gravity motion.
- Kinetics of principle: energy principles and momentum, D’Alembert’s principle, rotation of rigid bodies, flywheel, and simple harmonic motion.
Structural Analysis
- Consistent deformation applied to pin jointed trusses of unit load method, Castiglione’s theorems I and II. Moment distribution, slope deflection, Kani’s method, rigid frames, and column analogy method are applied to indeterminate beams.
- Rolling loads and influences lines: bending moment at a section of the beam, influences lines for shear force. Shear force and bending moment traversed by a system of moving loads.
- Arches: influences lines in arches, two hinged, three hinged, rib shortening fixed arches. Matrix methods of analysis: rigid frames, displacement method, and force method. Plastic analysis of beams and frames: plastic analysis, mechanism method, statical method, and theory of plastic bending.
- Unsymmetrical bending: product of inertia, neutral axis position, moment of inertia, and calculation of bending stresses.
Design of structures: design of concrete and masonry structures and steel
Design of concrete and masonry structures
- Mix design concepts, concrete reinforcement: limit state, working stress slabs design of one way and two way, simple beams of rectangular and continuous beams of rectangular. L and T sections.
- With eccentricity under direct load or without load, compression members, combined footings, and isolated. Retaining walls, cantilever, and type of counterfort. Water tanks: rectangular data requirements, circular tanks resting on the ground. Concrete prestressed prestress loss, brick design of masonry as per I.S, sections design and analysis for flexure based on working stress and anchorages. Retaining walls designed by masonry.
Structural Steel Design
- Steel structural: load factors and safety factors, connections, bolted, welded joints, and Riveted. Built up sections of beams, welded plate, design tension, compression member, gusseted column bases and slabs, riveted, gantry girders, lacing, and stanchions with battens.
- Railway bridges and highway design: warren girder, deck type girder, and pratt truss.
Hydraulic Machines And Hydropower
- Pumps centrifugal, characteristics, (NPSH), speed. Air vessels hydraulic ram, jet pumps, parameters efficiency, and diaphragm. Hydropower development principles. Pondage and storage, storage power plants. Mini and micro hydel plants.
Fluid Mechanics
- Fluid motion properties and their fluid role and curve phases. Dynamics and kinematics fluid flow, continuity equation, rotational flow, irrotational flow, acceleration and velocity, sinks and sources, separation flow, and flownet drawings method.
- Open channel flow: momentum, uniform, and non-uniform flows. Boundary layer: in a flat plate turbulent flow and turbulent boundary. Laminar flow: through tube, flow between parallel and stationary plates.
Part D
Geotechnical Engineering
- Soil types, soil classification, relationships phase, particle size distribution. Water pressure pone, effective trees, structural water, and capillary water. Soil compaction, compaction control files, parameters, and effective stress. Failure theory of Mohr’s coulomb, shear tests, and soils of shear strength.
Paper – II
Construction Technology, Equipment, Planning And Management
Management and planning, equipment and construction technology
- Technology construction: materials, construction and physical properties, bricks, tiles and stones; mortars and cement, flooring tiles, polymer concrete, lightweight concrete, and hardened concrete.
- Uses and characteristics: timber defects, plastics, seasoning and preservation of timber, rubber, and materials for low-cost housing.
Construction Planning and Management
- Management and planning: bar charts, supervision and project control, schedules, job layout, and activity of construction. Measures cost reduction. Analysis of new work: PERT and CPM analysis, cost, updating, times float, and allocation of resources. Economics engineering elements, annual costs, size, and sales economy.
Construction Equipment
- In special construction equipment, affecting factors, study and time motion and cost. Concreting: mixer, pump, earth, vibration, and weight. Work equipment: tailors, foot sheep roller.
Survey and Transportation Engineering
Survey: Common methods of distance and angle measurements, plane table survey, some common ways of measuring angles, and distance. Railways: sleepers, crossing points, ballast points, and design of turnouts.
Hydrology, Water Resources and Engineering
- Hydrology: Hydrological cycle, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, depression storage, infiltration, overland flow, hydrograph, flood frequency analysis, flood estimation, flood routing
- Storage: dams, rigid gravity, earth dam’s storage, galleries, and joints. River training practice training.
Environmental Engineering
- Water Supply: demand of water, water intake.
- Pumping and gravity schemes. Water treatment: Pressures and filters.
- Water storage and distribution: Storage and balancing reservoirs: types, location, and capacity.
- Distribution system
- Sewerage systems
- Sewage characterization
- Sewage treatment
- Solid waste
- Environmental pollution
The syllabus for civil engineering in UPSC is so vast. It’s the vast syllabus that makes upsc exams one of the toughest. But with the right coaching anything is possible. That’s why you should consider Shri Ram IAS is the Best IAS Coaching in Delhi for your upsc preparation. With shri ram IAS Coaching, even the vast syllabus of civil engineering may appear to be simple.
Read More:- How to Secure score 110+ in UPSC Prelims 2023