10 Mukhi Rudraksha
Rudraksha beads are traditionally used in India for their healing and spiritual properties. The 10 Mukhi rudraksha bead is said to represent the 10 faces of Lord Shiva and is used for protection and to promote peace and calmness. It is also said to help balance the chakras and to promote good health.
What Is 10 Mukhi Rudraksha
The Ten Mukhi rudraksha is an auspicious symbol that can be used to represent one’s good luck. They are typically carried around with a person during special occasions and are said to bring wealth and prosperity. It is said that the practice can help calm the mind and remove stress. The 10 Mukhi Rudraksha are said to be especially helpful in removing anxiety and improving mental clarity.
The 10-Face Rudraksha is a powerful symbol of good luck and prosperity. The benefits of wearing the Ten Mukhi Rudraksha are said to increase one’s life and financial luck. The Rudraksha is a seed that comes from a special tree that grows wild in the forests of India. The tree is a special variety of the fig tree and its leaves are used for sacred purposes. The Das Mukhi rudraksha is a very popular rudraksha because it is said to have special properties. The 10 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to be a symbol of good luck, prosperity, and success.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits-
- Ten Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. It is also known as Dash Mukhi. It pacifies the malefic effects of all nine planets in a person’s horoscope.
- Ten Mukhi Rudraksha is said to increase the power of observation and visualization in a person. It helps to see the present, past, and future clearly.
- Ten Mukhi rudraksha is helpful for those who are facing difficulties in business and careers. They can wear it in the form of a bracelet or necklace.
- According to the sacred scripture Shiva Purana, wearing a 10 Mukhi rudraksha can bring about peace within one’s mind by stopping worrying about things we cannot control.
- Many people say that Ten Mukhi Rudraksha helps in overcoming negative thoughts as well as increases devotion towards the almighty god.
- The tenth face rudraksha protects against sudden deaths and accidents, which are caused by planets like Saturn and Rahu.
- This Mukhi is also associated with the planet Sun, which governs confidence and success in a person’s life. So this powerful bead cleanses the significance of the Sun in an individual’s astrological chart.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Importance
- increase in power of observation and visualization
- helps to see present, past, and future clearly
- helps to see what is going on around you
- helps to see what is happening in the future
- helps to see what will happen in the future
- it increases the power of observation and visualization in a person
- 10 Mukhi rudraksha can bring about peace within one’s mind
- it helps to stop worrying about things we cannot control
- it cleanses the significance of the sun in an individual’s astrological chart
- it helps in overcoming negative thoughts
- it increases devotion towards the almighty god
How To Wear 10 Mukhi Rudraksha
Ten Mukhi Rudraksha has the power of 10 Indra, who gets credit for the creation of this universe. The benefits of wearing Ten Mukhi Rudraksha are so many that one can get whatever he wants and there is no obstacle to getting it. So, we advise you to wear 10 Mukhi Rudraksha. Wearing 10-Faced Rudraksha is not only for success in business but also in education, foreign traveling, marriage, job, and family.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha is good for increasing the sexual power of men, it is also said that this Rudraksha will control the pitta. Wearing Das Mukhi rudraksha will bring more love and sexual pleasure into your life.
Ten Mukhi Rudraksha Ruling Planet
This Mukhi is also associated with the planet Sun, which governs confidence and success in a person’s life. So this powerful bead cleanses the significance of the Sun in an individual’s astrological chart.
Who can wear Ten Mukhi Rudraksha
Anyone can wear Das Mukhi Rudraksha as it is non-specific. It can be associated with any planet or deity. However, the beneficial effects of Rudraksha are specific to the wearer’s zodiac and planetary position in his horoscope. For example, if a person’s horoscope indicates that he is a Cancer, a Das Mukhi Rudraksha will be beneficial for him. Similarly, a 10 Mukhi Rudraksha that is associated with Sun is beneficial for Cancer. Therefore, it is suggested to check the horoscope before wearing Rudraksha, so that the beneficial effects of the Rudraksha match with the wearer’s zodiac, thereby providing the benefits.
These Original Rudraksha beads are believed to have originated from the tears of Lord Shiva. They are said to have mystical powers that can help to improve one’s health, wealth, and luck. Rudraksha beads are often worn as a necklace or bracelet and are also used in meditation and prayer. The most prized rudraksha beads are those with the most wrinkles or “faces”, as they are believed to be the most powerful.