Draw a cartoon girl’s face
Step 1
Draw a cartoon girl’s face at the bottom and divide it into four sections. Avoid making harsh, straight lines, as anime girls tend to have rounder faces. The top sections of the oval should be larger than the bottom sections. To divide the oval into four sections, it is better to draw a vertical line in its center. Next, draw a vertical line that curves slightly upward and crosses the oval slightly below the halfway point on the vertical line. The top sections of the oval should be larger than the bottom sections. girl drawing ideas
Step 2
Draw a little beak near the epicenter of the oval. Comic lasses are usually marked with short, spherical snouts. Don’t make the nose stiff or defined, or it might look too masculine. To draw the nose, think with your pencil of the point where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect. Then draw a line down from that point, curving slightly away from the vertical line. Finally, draw a short line that curves towards the vertical line.
Step 3
Draw large exaggerated eyes above the horizontal line. Make the eyes big and exaggerated, so they look more cartoonish and feminine. Draw an eye on either side of the vertical line so that the outer corners of the eyes almost touch the edges of the face. Give the eyes an almond shape that is more flat at the bottom and rounded at the top The inner corners of the eyes should fall along the same horizontal path as the top point of the nose, and they should both be the distance from the vertical line. Give the eyes an almond shape that is more flat at the bottom and rounded at the top.
Step 4
Add dark lashes to the lid and footing of the visions. Funny lasses are often drawn with dark, exaggerated eyelashes, so go over the upper and lower lash lines with your pencil to darken them. When you’re done, repeat on the bottom of the eyes, near the outer corners. Then, between the top of the eyes and the outer corners, draw thin, narrow triangles that extend out of the eyes. Shade them to look like eyelashes and slightly curl them at thin ends to make them look more feminine. When you’re done, repeat on the bottom of the eyes, near the outer corners.
Step 5
Draw large pupils inside the eyes. Finally, shade the large circles to be slightly lighter than the pupils, assuming white space in the upper right corner of each circle so it would look as if light were reflecting off them. To draw the pupils, draw a large circle in each eye so that the tops of the eyes slightly dwarf the tops of the circles. Then, remove a small circle in the middle of each circle and shade it. Finally, shade the large circles to be slightly lighter than the pupils, assuming white space in the upper right corner of each circle so it would look as if light were reflecting off them.
Step 6
Draw the lips barely below the footing of the beak. Form with your pencil on the perpendicular line driving down the middle of the beginning. Then, repeat on the other side to finish the lower lip. When you’re done, you should have a big rounded bottom lip, which helps the cartoon face look more feminine. Next, draw a lying line with a small ridge lengthening escape from the perpendicular stripe in the hub. Then reprise on the other flank of the vertical streak and connect the ends of these two lines with a horizontal line that curves slightly upwards to complete the upper lip. To make the lower lip, try by an outer corner of the upper lip and draw a curved line towards the vertical line to intersect halfway between the upper lip and the chin. Then, repeat on the other side to finish the lower lip. When you’re done, you should have a big rounded bottom lip, which helps the cartoon face look more feminine.
Step 7
Add thin, arched eyebrows. Typical lasses are drawn with thin eyebrows that arch outside the eyes. When you’re done, repeat on the other eye. Eyebrows don’t have to be the same length but try to keep them the same shape, so they look balanced. To draw the eyebrows, try with your pencil scarcely beyond the eyelash most relative to the extreme intersection of one of the watches. Eyebrows don’t have to be the same length but try to keep them the same shape, so they look balanced. Next, draw an arcuate downward curve on top of the eye that ends along the same vertical path as the inner corner of the eye below. When you’re done, repeat on the other eye. Eyebrows don’t have to be the same length but try to keep them the same shape, so they look balanced.
Step 8
Count ears with earrings on the flanks of the charges. Next, draw a small process that overlays the footing of the elliptic to create an earring. Duplicate on the other flank of the front to create the other ear. You can try drawing different shapes for the earrings, or you can remove them altogether. To draw the ears, try with your pencil on one flank of the front, aligned with the furthest junction of the eye. Following, sketch an upright oval along the flank of the front that completes along the same lying way as the base of the beak. Next, draw a small process that overlays the footing of the elliptic to create an earring. Duplicate on the other flank of the front to create the other ear. You can try drawing different shapes for the earrings, or you can remove them altogether.
Step 9
Remove the fur near the leader and convey in a hairline or cracks. Outline the hair to concede the head, causing the coat to be more voluminous. You can also count charges that run down the forehead or draw a downward curved line that crosses the forehead from one side of the charge to the other to create a hairline. If you draw a visible hairline, you should specify that it is lower than the top of the head. Otherwise, the forehead will peak similarly oversized. If you are drawing long hair, you can pull it behind the ears and leave the ears as is, or draw the hair over the ears and erase all the covered parts.