Reasons to carry out comprehensive building maintenance
Among the most important reasons to carry out or contract the comprehensive maintenance of a building are: it affects aesthetic conditions, health, safety, functionality, and budget control.
- The aesthetics presented by a building with or without cleaning vary the image it conveys to us. It speaks for itself about the type of owners and users that make it up.
- The dirt that a building presents in its common areas makes it possible for pests to proliferate. Insect and rodent pests, which, once installed, will surely expand their areas of action.
- Dirt and lack of maintenance in a building make possible the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms, which can infect cooling and heating systems, as well as the general environment in which all its users live, causing allergies, and all kinds of diseases.
- Lack of inspection of the facilities in a building causes a greater number of breakdowns in the machinery. Worse consequences because of the lack of early detection.
- The lack of control and reviews, as well as cleaning of buildings, decreases the safety of the facilities and can even become dangerous in their use, and of course, at some point, they will stop providing the services for which they were installed, with the consequent inconvenience for all users of the esenyurt escort property.
An adequate comprehensive maintenance
- The budget for buildings is an investment in the short and medium-term. Since care will be transformed into a positive image. Which will give greater value to the property. It will have a positive impact on both the projection in front of visitors of the companies. The types of owners that occupy it, creating a feeling of comfort and responsibility.
- From an economic point of view. The fact of having a closed budget avoids many surprises that are difficult to assume.
- Constant reviews and maintenance actions save repairs and large-volume actions, which always involve high costs.
- The systematic maintenance of the facilities and their correct cleaning. It helps to get the best performance, reducing consumption and other costs.
Correct conservation of buildings helps to preserve the heritage, and sometimes, we contemplate this need in the legislation, which makes the owners responsible for the good state of conservation of the buildings and their facilities.
The systematic performance of maintenance and cleaning tasks in buildings is necessary to have insurance coverage in case of requesting compensation for claims.
Who does building maintenance and cleaning?
A variety of can carry building maintenance and cleaning out independently contracted professionals, in-house staff, or one of the many cleaning and full-service companies.
Below, we can see the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
In the management and maintenance of buildings, at least professionals from the following services and activities will have to intervene:
- Antenna operator
- electricians
- plumbers
- masons
- locksmiths
- cleaning workers
- Surveillance systems with human resources, concierges, money managers, or lifeguards may also be necessary.
The punctual and particular contracting of each one of these services supposes a greater economic disbursement if we add the different independent invoices to each other, to achieve the same purpose, which is the maintenance and cleaning of buildings, but perhaps with less homogeneous results.
A greater number of cleaning and maintenance services contracted in a single company in a systematic way always implies a change and reduction in price by volume, which is always more beneficial for clients when ordering the cleaning and care of buildings.
Carrying out building maintenance and cleaning tasks entrusted to different companies and professionals can more easily dilute responsibility and the quality of the services provided as a whole.
The coordination of tasks and the periodicity is also more difficult when carrying out the cleaning and maintenance of buildings when different professionals or companies are hired since it is more difficult to unite the actions in a single and specific project.
The maintenance and cleaning tasks,
If their own employees carry the maintenance and cleaning tasks, they must have the regulatory professional certifications and also oblige the property owner to make additional disbursements for the acquisition of tools, materials, products, and services. All costs to which must include expenses for repairs and maintenance.
The greatest advantages, therefore, will be found by hiring one of the many auxiliary building and cleaning services companies in Melbourne, with sufficient experience in this sector of activity, since it will provide us with:
- A specific cleaning and maintenance project for the building will include an inventory of all the areas, facilities, and elements need cleaning and checking.
- It will provide us with a calendar with the best periodicity. Options are on the spaces or facilities that need maintenance.
- It will provide the human and mechanical resources and tools necessary for the maintenance and cleaning of the building.
We will concentrate all responsibility on the efficient execution of all cleaning and maintenance tasks in the building, as well as the staff of operators or professionals who carry out said tasks.