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How I Ranked Number 1 in 2 Months with Google Maps SEO

In this blog we are going to show you how I accidentally ranked a business on Google maps in less than two months. Let me give you some context so this was actually my first project inside the SEO space. I’ve been learning about it for a few months. I was really interested in going out and actually applying those skills.

How I Rank My Business In First Place

I’m gonna walk you guys exactly through how online technical seo experts ranked this specific business in first place? I’m also gonna cover some advanced tips at the end for those of you that are in a more competitive space. For those of you that want to take your local SEO game to the next level.

Add A Keyword On Google My Business

The first thing we need to do is we need to take a look at the actual Google my business listing. The most important information goes in the info section. The first thing we need to do is add our business name. If we can add a keyword it is helpful for us.

Adding Specific Categories

A second thing is adding specific categories that apply to us as a business. We want to add as many categories as possible. These categories are still relevant to our business. We want to make sure that we have the exact address and more on that later our service areas.

Add Working Hours

Likewise, add our times when we’re open when we’re closed and also special hours our phone number as well. We need to make sure this is the correct phone number our website. That’s super important as well. If there’s a specific section on our website where we take appointments, this is where we would add that URL.

Mention Your Products

If we have any products and services so this is something that I think not enough. People look into and we do want to add all the specific services that we offer. Make sure that we fill up all of that text. We get 300 characters I clearly haven’t but you definitely should right.

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Finding Local Citations

The local citations are basically the equivalent of backlinks for local SEO. We need to go out and we to add our business to as many business directories as possible. But we need to be really careful here what matters in these business directories is our nap.

Fill The Exact Information

Our name, address and our phone number we need to make sure that we have the exact same data throughout all these different business directories. You know that consistency is the name of the game and also consistency generates trust and trust leads Google to push us higher in the rankings.

Choose Specific Keyword

The reality is that I think I got really lucky with the specific niche specific keyword. I was targeting there really isn’t a lot of competition. If I were to go out and do local SEO for another business in a way more competitive niche. These are some of the things that I would focus on the first thing that I would do. Is I would go out?

I would take advantage of this website section inside your Google my business profile. This is a website that’s automatically generated by Google that they offer to you for free. This is basically just collects all the data you’ve added to your Google my business profile.

How To Impress Your Clients

It presents it in a nice looking website. Now you’re going to ask me like hey John! Why are we creating another website when I already have a main website? The main thing here is that we need to consider them as two separate entities.

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Our main website is where most of our business is going to come through. If they need to book appointments they need to contact us. But we can use this website that’s been automatically generated by Google. To add relevance to our Google profile.

How To Engage With Our Customers

On top of that it helps us add relevance to our Google my business profile. It shows Google that we’re active. That’s a super important signal that we need to send to them. We might want to create posts about specific blog posts that we’re doing maybe about new services. If we’re closed for a specific day.

Another thing we can talk about is frequently asked questions. The list goes on and on. This should be your main touch point when you’re thinking of updating your website. Also go and update Google my business by adding new posts. Google really values that activity most of your competitors will not be doing this so it’s super crucial that you. Guys! Do this and a final thing that I want to touch upon is our website.

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