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How to produce an original piece of dissertation writing on a clearly defined topic

A dissertation is a long piece of academic writing presenting all major and minor details necessary to conduct original research or to replicate research in another setting. Compared to the past, the current era is much more advanced and has discovered many tools to know whether a dissertation is a unique piece of information or contain old fact and figure in a new way. Thus, this article is all about telling students the most practical ways to produce an original piece of dissertation after choosing a clearly defined topic. This article is divided into sections; the first will present some important steps to select a clearly defined dissertation topic, while the other will talk about ways to produce an original piece of dissertation writing.

Steps to select a clearly defined dissertation topic:

Most of the time, the originality of research and dissertation is judged by the uniqueness and clarity of its topic. The topic of the dissertation provides focus and helps identify the areas of importance and possibility for the analysis and exploration of these areas. Thus, before writing a dissertation, a special effort needs to be made in the selection of a clearly defined topic. The following are some steps to select a clearly defined dissertation topic:

  1. Define an area of interest
  2. Use databases to find the most recent researchers relevant to a particular area of interest
  3. Find literature gaps in defining research goals
  4. Make a rough research plan
  5. Try to wrap up the whole research map into a topic
  6. Rearrange the sentence to bring clarity

These steps are extremely helpful for students who have finally decided to get dissertation writing started. For defining the area of interest, a student can seek help from Google Scholar, university faculty, and even researchers working in laboratories. Furthermore, the literature gap is another sought-after tool to define research goals and make a rough research plan. Once a student has made a rough research plan or research proposal, the next step must be to brainstorm a short title that can label the whole research. In the last, by rearranging the word’s sequence and searching for more sophisticated words, you can make a clear and unique dissertation topic to ensure originality in dissertation writing.  You can also contact dissertation writing services UK in this regard.

Strategies to produce an original piece of dissertation writing:

dissertation writing

Dissertation writing is a long, slow and dreary process that needs students to struggle continuously at least for one complete year. Still, after one year of continuous efforts, some dissertations do not contain any unique material hence raising originality-related issues. The most probable reason for this trend is that students often forget to strive for originality and draft a 100 pages dissertation after introducing slight changes in the previous research. Thus, the following are some important strategies that one should use to produce an original piece of dissertation:

Discover your research passion:

According to Optah Winfrey, “Passion is the energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you”. On the same ground, passion is necessary to effectively research a subject without getting bored if you really want to unveil the truth behind the happenings of the world. Instead, students often prefer moving with the flow over their personal interest and passion, thus facing originality and plagiarism-related issue. Thus, the ultimate solution to avoid such mistakes is to first explore your passion and then start dissertation writing to keep yourself motivated throughout the tenure.

Read publications of some renowned researchers:

Reading creates great leaders, professionals, and even scientists by providing insights into others’ experiences and viewpoints. It allows researchers to see the world beyond their own views so they can better dive into the depth of the research and do something really exciting that can surprise the world. Thus, developing the habit of reading and understanding famous publications and scholarly articles to get aware of the newest trends can help even beginners in smoothly crossing all hurdles in the path of bringing originality to research.

Make a research inclusion criteria list:

Research inclusion list helps students to struggle in the right direction and speed up their progression up to the mark. The inclusion list must contain all kinds of information that need to be added to research, ways necessary to accomplish the goals within the suggested periods of time, and the distinguishing features that can differentiate ongoing research from prior work. Often, such list-making exercises end by giving a clear picture of ways to bring originality to research.

Discuss your ideas with tutors as early as possible:

Discussion help takes into consideration the points suggested by others that you could not think of even for a while. It aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses for flawless project accomplishment, and academically your supervisors can provide the best platform for discussions. In a nutshell, discussion with the supervisor is the ultimate way to review a project from a practical point of view (it tells whether proposed research can be conducted in the local setup).


Use social media sources to explore whether your research ideas are unique or not:

Social media is important for research assistance in this era and almost all research students must use it to take experts’ advice and explore ways to invite innovation in a research project.

Start writing by following a standard research writing guide:

Using the above-mentioned steps, a researcher must be confident enough about the originality and uniqueness of the research. Thus, the next must be to use a standard dissertation writing guide to learn more about the structure and content to be used in the dissertation.

Concluding remarks:

A dissertation written by using typical paraphrasing techniques can be challenged for originality. Originality in dissertation writing simply means that research must explicit researcher’s personal perspective, although the use of others’ work in order to support an argument with proper referencing is fairly legal. For those who are striving for originality in dissertation writing, the first step must be to select a clear topic for the dissertation and then follow the above-mentioned strategies. In a nutshell, to produce an original piece of dissertation writing, students must use first-hand data or should need to be directly involved in research to focus on even minor details.

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