Medical Marijuana pain is the most common symptom; everyone has experienced some kind of pain, chronic or acute pain, in their lives. Pain is define as an unpleasant feeling that can affect a person’s ability to complete daily tasks, and they often need to rest or take pain-relieving medications for relief. It can also be a sign to alert that some part of the body needs attention; hence you should always investigate.
The widely accept definition of pain was develope by the International Association for the Study of Pain: “Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that is associate with actual or potential tissue damage or describe in such terms.”
Pain is report as the most common symptom that compels people to seek medical advice and treatment. Pain-relieving medications such as Opioids are one of the most commonly use drugs for managing pain, but it has serious side effects with prolonged usage. With prolonged use, pain-relieving medications can lead to organ damage, dependency and addiction in extreme cases.
Hence, the medical and research fraternity has been looking for a safer alternative, and Cannabis is being look at as an excellent and effective choice. Marijuana is increasingly being consider for managing pain, and patients are showing promising results. Medical Marijuana Card Saint Petersburg has different administration routes; patients can either smoke Cannabis, eat it in a meal, apply it as an oral spray, or take it as an oil, each route has its unique benefit.
Adding Marijuana products to your pain medication is a process that requires assistance and consultation from a Marijuana specialist. You can contact My Florida Green if you are in Naples, Sarasota, Melbourne, and St. Petersburg. They are one of the most established Marijuana centers in Florida and provide premium services to qualified patients.
What is Pain Medical Marijuana
Pain is a stimulus that consists of psychological, physiological, and emotional catalyst that alerts a patient about an imminent threat of a serious health condition. Acute pain is an abrupt and intense feeling that lasts for a short while, and is often localize to a particular part of the body. Chronic pain lasts longer, from hours to days, and are not usually localize to one area of the body.
What are the Most Common Traditional Options for Treating Pain
- Opioid
Opioids are effective and potent painkillers given to patients going through severe pain, especially cancer patients. Codeine and morphine are a few of them, but they weaken the immune system, cause depression and nausea, and over time your body could become tolerant to the drug making it less effective for pain management. Persons who have used opioids to manage pain likely get addicted, and the unmanaged intake of opioids could result in death in extreme cases.
- Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a procedure borrow from traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting needles into some parts of your body. To rouse your muscles, connective tissues, and nerves, believed to enhance the natural human painkillers. The procedure causes bruises and bleeding at the needle insertion points. Besides, not everyone responds positively to acupuncture. And you could go through the painful process and eventually don’t get a solution to your pain. Also, you have to be schedule for more than one session for the treatment to become effective.
How effective is Medical Marijuana in Managing Pain
Marijuana is being hail as an effective pain-relieving agent, causes instant relief of not only acute and chronic pain. But also helps in managing many associated pain symptoms. Medical Marijuana Card Naples is able to manage pain by working and interacting with the brain and nervous system. To change the chemical communication between the two, hence reducing pain signals.
The neurotransmitters or chemical communication channels transmit messages to the appropriate pain receptor. In the brain before you feel any form of pain. When Marijuana is consume, its active component, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), connects with cannabinoid. Receptors present in the brain and blocks neurotransmitters carrying pain messages to the receptor.
THC is not the only ingredient in Cannabis; scientists are still discovering more derivatives that have healing abilities. Cannabidiol (CBD) components, Cannabavarin, Cannabielsoin, and Cannabinol, are all effective in managing pain and relieving many other associate symptoms. CBD reduces inflammation, nausea, vomiting, and anxiety and improves sleep and appetite, giving the patient an overall soothing experience.
Marijuana is also consider a safer pain-relieving option as specialists monitor its use. If patients want to use Cannabis for pain, they need to get register and apply for a Marijuana Card. When the application is approve, patients need to see an experience Marijuana doctor. That can give them the recommendation for the Marijuana strain, route, and dosage that works for them.
My Florida Green is a Medical Marijuana service provider with a team of experts and state-licensed. Marijuana doctors who are helping new patients complete their certification. You can start with an eligibility check, and one of their experts will contact you for the next steps.
Get your Marijuana Card with My Florida Green
The doctor at My Florida will issue a Marijuana card after the assessment to show you are licensed to receive Marijuana treatment. After you have obtained the card, they will develop a treatment plan for you, according to the severity of the pain, and other underlying issues. Based on initial evaluation, the treatment plan will ensure that you are getting the best Marijuana product that is most suited for you pain and health condition. You should visit any of the My Florida Green Centers to get started.