Wheat is the main cereal crop in India and the lifeblood of households. Wheat is the most in-demand Rabi (winter) crop that observes great commercial trading and export. India is a wheat-intensive country that has a huge production volume. India has 29.8 million hectares of land under wheat cultivation.
Wheat is the really oat crop in India and the backbone of families. Wheat is the most sought after Rabi (winter) crop that notices extraordinary business exchanging and trade. India is a wheat-concentrated country that has an enormous creation volume. India has 29.8 million hectares of land under wheat development.
The popular states known for intense wheat cultivation are Punjab, Haryana, and U.P. However, in recent years, Madhya Pradesh is also one of the leading producers as it has observed a high area for crop production. Wheat provides a high yield to farmers. Per hectare, farmers can cultivate 12 to 13.8 quintals of wheat. With exceptional quality tractors like Farmtrac 45 and John Deere 5050d farming implements, farmers can earn great incentives.
Here some technical factors required to pursue successful wheat cultivation and harvesting.
Technical factors for Sowing, Cultivating & Growing Wheat Crops
Let’s review some important factors for cultivating and harvesting high-yielding wheat crops.
Agro-climatic conditions for Wheat Production
Wheat crops can grow well in tropical, subtropical regions and temperate zones. The Ideal temperate for this crop’s cultivation is between 20C to 25C. However, the seeds can even germinate at 3.5C to 35C as well.
Wheat is highly susceptible to growth, even in cold and snowy conditions. However, the growth resumes when the warm weather in the spring season sets in. The crop is suitable for growing 33mm above sea level.
Furthermore, wheat cannot withstand too warn and damp climatic conditions. In fact, if there are excessively too high or too low temperatures, crop growth disrupted during flowering and heading stages.
Soil Requirement for Wheat Cultivation
Well-drained soils with a loamy texture or a clay loam are best suited for wheat cultivation. The soil should have a moderate water-holding capacity. Wheat crops should be sensitive to water-logging conditions and have good drainage capacity.
Wheat can also cultivate well on lighter soils if the irrigation is proper and proper nutrients are fed to the crops.
Land preparation for Wheat Cultivation
For preparing the well-crushed seedbed, farmers should plough the bed, followed by 2-3 harrowing with disc or trine-type harrow tools. However, to prevent the wheat seedlings from white ants or any pests, add 5% aldrin dust in the soil at 25kg/ha during the last ploughing time. And to improve the weed seed germination, disperse 35 to 40 kg urea/per hectare.
For setting up the all around squashed seedbed, ranchers ought to furrow the bed, trailed by 2-3 nerve racking with plate or ternary sort harrow instruments. Be that as it may, to keep the wheat seedlings from white subterranean insects or any irritations, add 5% aldrin dust in the dirt at 25kg/ha during the last furrowing time. What’s more, to further develop the weed seed germination, scatter 35 to 40 kg urea/per hectare.
Plant spacing between Wheat Plants
The best time to plant wheat is November to December. If the sowing process gets delayed, it advisable to soak seeds in water overnight. To have a higher seeding rate, the seeds spaced closer and should be 1-2m deep.
The best opportunity to establish wheat is November to December. In the event that the planting system gets deferred, it is prudent to absorb seeds water for the time being. To have a higher cultivating rate, the seeds ought to be divided nearer and ought to be 1-2m profound.
Irrigation for Wheat Cultivation
For wheat cultivation, first irrigation given in 3-4 weeks after initial sowing. Further, the second and third irrigation planned after 40-45 days and 60-65 days, respectively.
And 4th irrigation planned 80-85 days after sowing. And 5th irrigation scheduled 100-105 days after sowing. And 6th irrigation should be planned 15-120 days after sowing.
For wheat development, first water system ought to given in 3 a month after starting planting. Further, the second and third water system ought to arranged following 40-45 days and 60-65 days, separately.
Also, fourth water system ought to arranged 80-85 days subsequent to planting. Also, fifth water system ought to be booked 100-105 days subsequent to planting. Also, sixth water system ought to be arranged 15-120 days in the wake of planting.
For wheat development, first water system ought to given in 3 a month after starting planting. Further, the second and third water system ought to arranged following 40-45 days and 60-65 days, separately.
What’s more, fourth water system ought to arranged 80-85 days subsequent to planting. Furthermore, fifth water system ought to planned 100-105 days in the wake of planting. Furthermore, sixth water system ought to arranged 15-120 days subsequent to planting.
Harvesting of Wheat
The wheat crop harvested when the wheat straw becomes hard, dry, and a little brittle. Before storing grains, they well-dried to remove all the major moisture content. To avoid congestion of pests, all the warehouses, godowns, bins or storage pits should fumigated and made moisture free.
Major Pests and Diseases Wheat Crops are Prone to
The major diseases and pests wheat crops are susceptible to are:
- Powdery mildew
- Yellow and stem rust
- Three-rust leaf
- Karnal bunt
- Foliar blights
- Loose smut
Farmers should add high-grade pesticides to fields to prevent these pests and diseases. And must ensure good quality fertiliser with the optimal schedule applied to avoid them. Or must contact agriculture or horticulture departments nearby who can help identify the right ways to prevent these diseases.
Frequently Asked Questions on Wheat Cultivation
- In how much time can wheat ideally grow?
Ans. The wheat crops can take about 4 months to become fully mature. Farmers need to check when the crop is at its premium and, based on that, must decide when is the right time to harvest. When the weather is hot and dry, it will be easy to finish the harvest process.
- Which is the favourable month to harvest wheat?
Ans. Wheat can be cultivated in Rabi or the winter season. Wheat crops generally sowed between November-December and are harvested by April month.