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Buzz around the topic of big data

  1. Introduction


As of late, there has been a lot of buzz around the topic of big data. Theoretically, it is a powerful tool which can be used to improve our lives and business. But what do we as individuals actually do with it?

We’ve been talking about marketing for a long time and have done a lot of research on the topic. While there are many different ways to use big data; people have traditionally used it for sales; customer service and marketing. However, big data has become much more sophisticated these days and we have expanded from just selling goods or services to a complete sales funnel optimization campaign.

The big difference between traditional marketing and big data marketing is that traditional marketers only see one part of the picture when it comes to our customers; we only know that someone has bought something from us. But in reality, when you put all the pieces together like this, you can start to see how your customers come into your store or even why they came into your store in the first place.

Big data marketing is more than just knowing where you can sell more products; it is also understanding how they want to be served while they are in your store as well as what their needs are – such as needs based on their geographic location (such as finding products that are popular in specific areas), needs based on their age groups (such as finding products geared towards kids) or even needs based on certain demographics (such as finding products tailored towards couples).

For example, if you have a number of stores across multiple cities and know that people tend to shop at the ones closest to them (people’s circles), then by analyzing their purchase history you might be able to find out which stores in each city attract people who shop most often during particular times (like weekends). By identifying stores with low customer traffic; but high customer satisfaction ratings you might be able t make use of those stores for future campaigns; trying out new promotions or special offers at those locations would bring out maximum benefits from your customer base.

In my opinion, one of the biggest challenges facing any business today would be adopting this new technology without getting overwhelmed by the complexity involved with using this type of tools. As mentioned earlier, using social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter allows businesses to leverage their existing fans and followers without having thousands upon thousands of new ones needed due to automation processes at large scale factories. A well-known consulting firm named Edelman recently released an infographic showing how big data could help


  1. What is Big Data?


Big data is the information that is collected in huge volumes by big companies. The more you understand about it, the better you are able to leverage it to your advantage. But the problem reigns inside in the fact on how to send big files online.

For example, if you are an app developer, you might want to collect data from every time your app gets installed on your users’ devices (if applicable). Nowadays with so many smart phones out there and so many apps being downloaded each day, it becomes very hard for a single company to keep track of all this information. This leads them to have multiple teams of people working together collecting this information on a massive scale (and thus allowing these companies to make profit).

The benefits of this kind of large-scale (and readily accessible) data collection include:

1) Informing developers how their work is performed and how they could improve their products further. If they didn’t know what they were doing, no one would benefit from it;

2) It also allows marketers and advertisers to put ads in front of users while they are browsing;

3) It allows users to make a more informed decision when choosing among several options available;

4) It also allows businesses and other enterprises to analyze usage patterns and make better decisions regarding their offerings based upon them. For example, if I am shopping for shoes online at Macy’s; I can easily tell that someone has purchased shoes from their store in the past few days; since my app was installed on my phone within those three days; in addition to seeing when I bought shoes recently for myself and for my friend who lives with me (since we both have an iPhone). This helps me decide what I need/want next without having too much input from me as an end user!

It also helps them be more efficient in their use of resources because instead of having 10 different teams working together collecting all this information, they only need one team that is solely focused on collecting this huge amount of data! Conversely, if they didn’t focus on gathering such massive amounts of information but instead collected nothing new at all then they may find themselves losing money due to the fact that too many people tend not to buy things anymore because there


  1. The Challenges of Big Data


Big Data is the collection of digital information (such as web pages, images, documents and other digital information); that is stored in a computer system. It can be used to answer questions like:

How many visitors have you attracted?

What are the top search terms that people use to find your website?

How much do your sales depend on keywords and products you’re promoting?

It can also be used to answer questions like:
Are you losing customers because of your website design?
What are the top objections people have when they’re trying to buy your product?

Big data has been adopted by businesses for several years now. And it serves many purposes beyond just answering these questions. One of the most popular uses of it is analyzing sales data and making predictions about what will happen next. This is where businesses make a lot of money from it. While it can be used for marketing purposes, there’s no question that big data has great potential for business use as well. So if you want to start using big data for marketing, I suggest taking some time reading this blog post from InfoSecurityWorld , which explains how marketers can leverage big data in order to create more relevant ads .

On the other hand, if you want to get started with big data analytics, I suggest reading this post by TechRepublic . Both are very good reads and will surely help anyone who wants to learn more about big data analytics in general or specifically about the areas mentioned above.


  1. How to leverage Big Data with businesses and organizations?


Large data sets are created when you have a large number of observations over time; and it is important to be able to visualize them in a way that is easy to digest.

There are many ways that one can do it, for example:

You can use Gephi, which is an open source tool for visualizing large data sets. It even has Python bindings for it.

To use your own data set, you can use Tableau. It not only allows you to create a dashboard; but also allows you to perform different visualizations and analyses of your data set.

In this article by InfoQ, they talk about how they used Tableau to visualize their sales data; and make them easier to understand when compared with the traditional charts and graphs that were being used at the time. The visualization in question was inspired by Michael Faraday’s work on electromagnetism and work done during the nineteenth century.


  1. How can we as individuals use Big Data?


This is a short article about how we use Big Data for personal, business and societal benefits. It is about understanding data, privacy and security.

Data is the basis of our knowledge and everything we do. Without it, there is no way to understand our world and make any sense of it.

But there are three problems with data:

People can’t share what they have done with data; without fear of being attacked by hackers or companies using their data. Data can be used by companies to get better results than they would if they didn’t have access to it; even if they have given the users permission to use it in the first place. Users can’t easily access what their friends are doing without risking that their friends will find out what they are doing and ruin their image.

The best way you can do this is by being aware of your surroundings when using social networks and keep an eye on what you post or share so that you don’t ruin anyone else’s day (or your own!). This will help you avoid being manipulated by others into posting something negative or malicious towards someone else in your peer group who would otherwise post something positive themselves (so you can avoid getting yourself into trouble).


  1. Conclusion


First of all, it is important to understand the basic concept and terminology of big data. This article by Data Science for Dummies does a great job at explaining it in layman’s terms.

The next most important thing to understand about big data is its power as a tool of marketing. The power comes from its ability to allow brands to not only acquire data on their customers; but also use that data in new ways, and in many cases, more effective ways than ever before.

One of the biggest examples of this is how Facebook could be able to analyze users’ friend lists; track which pages they like or follow; and even find out who they are friends with; all without their knowledge. It was done in 2012 by an app called “People” by Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica; and was used in 2016 during the US Presidential election.

Another example is how Twitter has used data analytics to develop algorithms that guess at users’ personality based on their tweets and tweets-like content they share such as pictures or other types of text (an example being “Instagram likes”).

These are just two examples that come right from Facebook’s own site about big data – but don’t forget about Twitter either!

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